
Wealth & Prosperity Powerful Subliminal - Freq 432Hz (Ancient Greek Aff)

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Wealth & Prosperity Powerful Subliminal - Freq 432Hz (Ancient Greek Aff)

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New series of Empowered Videos.

Due to harmonic and pleasant nature of 432Hz music, it helps in the release of serotonin and endorphins, which in turn keep the blood pressure and heart rate stable.

Also helps in releasing the negative energy blockages and acts as a good sound healing tool to release toxins.

Resonates with Root Chakra and will help you in your goal of attracting wealth, abundance & prosperity.

The subliminal affirmations are inaudible and a lot of them in Ancient Greek language with the mighty power of altering your philosophy about money and mindset when you acquire great wealth, in order to be ready to deal with it and don't end up losing it or mistreating humans around you.

A big mistake most of the people do is to just wish for great wealth with the mindset they have right now. But how can someone handle it without being prepared for it? It's like going to gym first day and without previous experience, trying to take the same training pro athletes do. What will happen for sure? You will harm your muscles and may end up with severe damage and lose the next training days or even quit gym from the first day.

Handle your brain like a muscle. Train it properly.

Visualization of yourself holding tons of golden bars like the video preview, golden coins and money, any currency you like, helps the procedure but it's not mandatory.

Only positive results, affirmations and effect. Drink plenty of water to hydrate your brain and your body.

Recommended use: 1 time a day the first week, then loop it as much as you can handle.

Please respect others will and use it only if they consent and feel comfortable to receive the energy you are sending by using this video for them.

No limitation in languages, your subconscious mind understands every language and your Higher Self can decode and use the pure energy it emits.

If you feel it deserves your gratitude please Like the video to support my effort and Subscribe for more exclusive material!


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