
Awakening 1.0

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Awakening 1.0

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Hello my beloved seekers of knowledge! What i have been seeing for several years is that everyday we are bombarded with huge portions of information, most of it useless for any individual but without realizing it we are getting in our minds false guidelines, forming after some years or even months another character, beliefs and ideology about everything around us and for ourselves too. A lot of us are wondering, at age of 30 usually or around there depending on the mental and environmental conditions, who have i become? You remember a version of yourself back in the past and seems that it was a different person. That guy in the past was brave, knew what he wanted to do with his life, had the strength to speak loud his opinion and react to weird, false and oppressive situations. What happened to that guy? Where did he go? All those mind control messages forced to be adsorbed from your mind transmitted from everyday media, family, friends, social media etc, have changed your reality, your way of thinking, altered every belief and made you just a replica of their guideline for right and wrong, of the acceptable behavior, way of thinking and vanished that true guy in you and replaced him with a malformed clone designed as they like. That's why i'm trying with a series of Awakening videos with inaudible messages and motivational videos, to awaken and bring back to life that hidden true self guy in you! Get up and leave back the eternal sleep you are into so many years and worse....decades....all your life! Live again as you like, think freely and express yourself as such again! The first video Awakening 1.0 will try to break the first layer of that blanket of eternal sleep and give you the first spark to light up the god's flame of knowledge and free your spirit again, to remind you your goal here, in this planet. We came here for a purpose, no working, gaining petty money just to pay bills, rent, food and medicine isn't your goal, it's just the elite way of keeping you busy with useless material needs and obligations that seem necessary and the only way of living. NO! WAKE UP! YOU HAVE A PURPOSE! DON'T GIVE YOUR LIFE TO BE JUST ANOTHER GEAR IN THE ELITE MACHINE AND MAKE THEM RICHER AND DIE WITHOUT ACCOMPLISHING YOUR GOAL HERE! Only positive results, affirmations and effect. Drink plenty of water to hydrate your brain and your body. Recommended use: 1 time a day the first week, then loop it as much as you can handle. Please respect others will and use it only if they consent and feel comfortable to receive the energy you are sending by using this video for them. No limitation in languages, your subconscious mind understands every language and your Higher Self can decode and use the pure energy it emits. If you feel it deserves your gratitude please Like & Share the video to support my effort and Subscribe for more exclusive material! Credits: Music by Bensound.com. Έρρωσθε και ευδαιμονείτε.

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